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Complete guide to

Mastering Pinia

written by its creator

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In order to use transitions on your route components and animate navigations, you need to use the <RouterView> slot:

<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
  <transition name="fade">
    <component :is="Component" />

All transition APIs work the same here.

Per-Route Transition

The above usage will apply the same transition for all routes. If you want each route's component to have different transitions, you can instead combine meta fields and a dynamic name on <transition>:

const routes = [
    path: '/custom-transition',
    component: PanelLeft,
    meta: { transition: 'slide-left' },
    path: '/other-transition',
    component: PanelRight,
    meta: { transition: 'slide-right' },
<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
  <!-- Use a custom transition or fallback to `fade` -->
  <transition :name="route.meta.transition || 'fade'">
    <component :is="Component" />

Route-Based Dynamic Transition

It is also possible to determine the transition to use dynamically based on the relationship between the target route and current route. Using a very similar snippet to the one just before:

<!-- use a dynamic transition name -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
  <transition :name="route.meta.transition">
    <component :is="Component" />

We can add an after navigation hook to dynamically add information to the meta field based on the depth of the route

router.afterEach((to, from) => {
  const toDepth = to.path.split('/').length
  const fromDepth = from.path.split('/').length
  to.meta.transition = toDepth < fromDepth ? 'slide-right' : 'slide-left'

Forcing a transition between reused views

Vue might automatically reuse components that look alike, avoiding any transition. Fortunately, it is possible to add a key attribute to force transitions. This also allows you to trigger transitions while staying on the same route with different params:

<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
  <transition name="fade">
    <component :is="Component" :key="route.path" />

Released under the MIT License.